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Home Renovation Contractor



Self-Employed? We've Got You Covered


Tired of traditional lenders turning you down because of your 1099 income? We get it. At Avance Financial we understand the unique challenges. 

Unlike traditional banks, we specialize in 1099 loans. We look at your actual income, not just your taxable income, making it easier for you to qualify for a mortgage.

Who We Help:

  • Business owners

  • Contractors

  • Gig workers

  • Seasonal employees


How We Qualify You:

We calculate your qualifying income using a 12 or 24-month average of your 1099s minus expenses. This gives you a fair shot at the financing you need.

Two Years of History?

No problem. Even if you haven't been self-employed for two full years, we can still help. Just provide us with a written analysis that demonstrates the stability of your income.


Your Dream Home Awaits

Don't let your 1099 income hold you back from achieving your homeownership goals. Contact us today to explore your options and get pre-approved for a 1099 loan.

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